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Auto Services

Operating Out Of Deer Park For Over 40 Years

Autopro Automotive Services provides car owners in the area with affordable and dependable auto services. We operate out of our Deer Park auto shop and offer auto diagnosis repair and services on all domestic, foreign and classic cars, as well as SUV's and light trucks. Our staff has over 40 years of experience fixing cars and have become trusted by many in Deer Park and the surrounding area. We have many customers located in the Deer Park, Dix Hills and North Babylon areas. We offer honest and reliable service at competitive prices. So please, give us a call today if you are having car problems! The number for our office is 631-242-5992. When you call, we can schedule an appointment for you to bring your car in.

Our Auto Services

Along with our expertise comes a wide array of services that will get your car working in no time. Here is a complete list of our auto services:

  • Comprehensive Diagnostic Service
  • Electrical Testing & Repair
  • Brake Service & Repairs
  • All Factory Maintenance Service
  • Express NYS Inspection
  • Express Lube and Oil Change
  • Wheel Alignment and Balancing
  • Tune-ups
  • Exhaust Repairs
  • Computer and Fuel Injection Service and Repair
  • Heating and Air Conditioning Service and Repair

Our shop is open on Saturday's for repair and services, but only through appointments. We offer 24 hour, seven days a week towing for car owners in the area, as well as senior citizen discounts. And if you're local (Deer Park, Dix Hills, North Babylon, etc.) we provide vehicle drop-off and pick-up service. And we have a clean and comfortable climate-controlled waiting room for those who plan on waiting.

Free Auto Service Estimates

Autopro Automotive Services has years of experience providing dependable auto services to car owners throughout the Deer Park area. This includes prominent towns such as Dix Hills and Babylon. For more information about our various auto services, please contact us today. We will gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding any of our auto services. The number to call is 631-242-5992. With your phone call, you can also schedule an appointment or ask for a free estimate. We look forward to helping you with your car problems.